

Download Baptism Form Here

This is where you'll find all relevant information for your upcoming baptism.

If you’ve found your way here, God must be drawing you closer to His heart and asking you to take a step closer to Him, as you seek baptism for your child. If you’ve been away from the Church and your faith for a while, welcome back!  If you’ve been walking with the Lord closely every day, praise God!  Whatever your circumstances, we are always excited by the prospect of welcoming another child into the family of Jesus Christ and His Church. Our prayer is that God may richly bless you through this process and give you strength in your baptismal call as parents to nurture the gift of faith in your child’s life. Here is an overview of the process. 

Sacramental Preparation for Baptism

Sacramental preparation for Baptism is based on active participation at Sunday Eucharist, daily prayer, faith formation, and community life. Ideally, formation should be started prior to the birth of the child. 

  • Sunday Eucharist

Weekend Liturgy is the source and summit of all we do as a faith community. It is an opportunity to come together as the Body of Christ to give thanks, worship, and share in holy Communion. We are empowered in the Eucharist to live as disciples in the world. 

  • Prayer Life

Seek to know Jesus daily, particularly through prayer, scripture, and the sacramental life of the parish. 

  • Faith Formation

REBORN from the Augustine Institute - four weekly sessions (video study) at the parish with a catechist or pastoral leader.

  • Community Life

Engage in parish life through service, small groups, and family/community gatherings. There is something for everyone at St. Columba!

What is involved in having my infant child baptized?

If your child is between the ages of 0-6, at least one parent needs to be a Catholic. In addition, they must attend weekend Mass regularly with that child for at least 6 months prior to the baptism, be a registered parishioner at St. Columba, and have a full understanding of the requirements outlined above. Faith Formation may take place in the midst of the six-month requirement.

What if my child is over the age of 6?

Children between the ages of 7-18 should be attending weekly weekend Mass for at least 6 months prior to celebrating baptism, in addition to participation in parish family faith formation. 

What are the requirements for parents?

Parents wishing to celebrate the baptism of their child must be active (meaning that they regularly attend weekend Mass) and registered parishioners of St. Columba Parish for at least six months. 

What are the requirements for Godparents?

Godparents must be at least 16 years old. If there is only one Godparent, he or she must be an active, practicing Catholic. If there are two godparents, one must be a practicing Catholic. The other may be a non-Catholic Christian witness, as long as he or she is a baptized Christian. Any Catholic who serves as a Godparent must be a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church, meaning that they have celebrated Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Catholic Godparents who are not members of St. Columba Parish must submit proof that they are active members of a parish and are suitable for the role of godparent. They must ask their pastor to send written verification to the parish office.

How soon can I schedule the baptism?

Upon completion of Reborn, along with being an active parishioner for at least 6 months, the baptism may be scheduled. At that time, in conjunction with St. Columba’s schedule, you are welcome to choose the date and Mass time that works best for your family. Please note: no baptisms occur during the Lenten season. 

First Communion

The Eucharist is essential to our identity as Catholics; it is the source and summit of our faith. Sunday Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life when the faith community comes together to commemorate the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the main event in one’s life that centers the week. The breaking of bread is what Jesus did with his apostles the night before he died at the Last Supper. Jesus offers us his Body and Blood in the appearance of bread and wine. When we receive this Sacrament, we are united with Him and the entire Body of Christ, the Church. The purpose of this Sacrament is to continue the Catholic initiation begun at a child’s Baptism. It marks a step along the way of coming to know God: The God who gives us life itself and provides the very nourishment that strengthens us to live as His children. For a flyer, click here.

Download First Communion Registration Form Here

Formation takes place within family life with the support of the parish staff. Community meetings will be on the first Sunday of the month from 9am - 10am.

First Communion Family Information


At Baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon us, filled us with divine life, and transformed us into a temple of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism. We are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Chrism. In union with Christ, we sent forth to be a witness to the Gospel in word and action. 

A personal relationship with Jesus and regular participation in Sunday Mass is essential to our identity as Catholics and necessary for Confirmation and beyond. In addition, being engaged in the parish’s faith formation, which involves prayer, study, community, and service, supports youth in preparing for the sacrament. As primary educators, parents and youth prayerfully discern when Confirmation should occur beyond the age of reason in collaboration with the pastor and faith formation director. 

Community meetings are on the first Sunday of the month from 11:15 - 12:30pm for parents and youth. There is an optional small group meeting once per month to share in community with peers and to support families with the lessons.

For detailed information, click here.


Reconciliation celebrates and reminds us of God’s mercy and helps us to experience divine forgiveness, to forgive ourselves, and to become reconciled with others. Currently, reconciliation is being offered on Fridays from 4:30-5:30 in the sanctuary.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick celebrates and reminds us of God's compassion and helps us to experience spiritual and sometimes physical 
strengthening when we are ill.

The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is one of the sacraments of healing. There are two times when a priest should be contacted for the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The first is if someone is in grave danger of death. Do not wait till the person is on his or her death bed; it is better to do it sooner, so the person can experience the grace that comes with receiving the sacrament. The other time is if someone is seriously ill or advanced in years. Many people receive the sacrament before surgery or before receiving treatments for cancer. There is no limit to the number of times one can receive the sacrament. This sacrament brings comfort and consolation in these difficult life events. Feel free to contact Fr. Kevin to schedule a visit at your home or in the hospital.  

If you are a health care provider and would like to help with this communal service
please contact our office (247-0044).

Marriage Guidelines for St. Columba

Matrimony joins two people in marriage for a lifetime of dedication to each other’s well being and the well being of their children and the community.

Weddings are special and joyful times for the bride and groom, their families and friends, and for the parish community. The new beginning, the love, the promise and hope of a marriage make the celebration of a wedding ceremony a grace filled time. Great care is taken to see that the prayer for this special occasion is reverent, graceful, beautiful and open to the movement of God’s Spirit among those gathered. 

Within the Catholic tradition, the celebration of the sacraments, marriage included, is rooted in hearing sacred scriptures so that we can be nourished and strengthened by God’s Word. We celebrate the sacraments as a community. We gather with our brothers and sisters in faith and ask for their prayerful support.

The sacrament of marriage is both a personal and a public testimony of the special love two people hold for each other. This love, shared in the sacrament, “becomes the mirror of God’s everlasting love and symbol of Christ’s love for his Church”. Hence, the music and readings chosen for a wedding are selected as a sign to the worshipping community that the love being celebrated reflects God’s loving presence.
The following themes are present in the Church’s Rite of Marriage:
+ praise and thanks to God for his gift of love.
+ petition to God for blessings on the couple about to share their life and love.
+ recognition and expression of marriage as a sign to the whole community that God loves us.
+ pledge of the community’s support to the newly married couple in their vocation.
+ the importance of God-centered, Christ-centered life.
+ the celebration of love which finds its foundation in God’s love shown to us through Jesus.

The Church believes Marriage is a life-long commitment, deserving of reflection and prayer. Therefore, couples are asked to consider the following guidelines when preparing for marriage.

Contact the church office (970-247-0044) at least nine months to a year prior to your intended wedding date. Interfaith couples may marry in the Church. A dispensation from the bishop’s office needs to be obtained under the guidance of the pastor, Fr. Kevin Novack.

More Wedding Information
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